iNFekt and jane are able to display the NFOs inside SRRs.
  • Anonymous
  • 2021-09-14 18:42:06
  • MP3


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.6 ALPMP3 File size CRC
Stored files
1,772 41EE99C0
2,026,312 312E36C6
290 35EF1223
410 3CA724B3
8,270 C55BEDA6
8,373 2194555C
8,228 CE6231B6
8,269 26251138
8,381 821813B0
8,222 E7CE5345
8,035 CB4E5A76
8,246 F9B90721
8,411 92E0E66A
8,292 FFF02529
8,306 2A9AA9FF
8,214 6D0B4A70
Music files
01_ja_das_ist_unser_land.mp3 6,191,929 A627600D
02_ab_ins_kaunertal.mp3 6,650,786 74B0274C
03_halt_mi_fest.mp3 7,816,138 5F1A0D4D
04_ein_strassenkind.mp3 5,774,811 F2739E81
05_hey_du_mein_heimatland.mp3 5,172,593 2BD7F70C
06_chef_im_himmel.mp3 6,727,952 55E57008
07_haende_in_die_hoeh.mp3 7,658,383 A710AE58
08_wie_das_weh_tut.mp3 7,494,825 608C3094
09_mahda_stehts_auf.mp3 5,818,545 8258347A
10_scheen_marie.mp3 4,982,015 5510C0B3
11_null_problemo.mp3 4,089,251 E93A7890
12_wir_sehn_uns_wieder.mp3 7,875,243 CF18B278

Total size: 76,252,471
Labels MUSIC, MP3