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Chapter_2-Coaching\7. Score, Growth, 10, Formula for success.mp4
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Chapter_2-Coaching\8. Balance wheel, logical levels of DIlts l6.mp4
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Chapter_3-Personal_Productivity_and_Life_Planning\13. Ying Yang concept.mp4
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Chapter_3-Personal_Productivity_and_Life_Planning\15. Practical Task I.mp4
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Chapter_3-Personal_Productivity_and_Life_Planning\16. Productivity Pyramid.mp4
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Chapter_3-Personal_Productivity_and_Life_Planning\17. Practical Task II.mp4
20,722,946 |
032ECE8E |
Chapter_3-Personal_Productivity_and_Life_Planning\18. Values.mp4
11,183,843 |
209E8D72 |
Chapter_3-Personal_Productivity_and_Life_Planning\19. Values Detaily.mp4
87,390,141 |
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Chapter_3-Personal_Productivity_and_Life_Planning\20. Practical Task III.mp4
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Chapter_3-Personal_Productivity_and_Life_Planning\21. 7 reasons of Burnout.mp4
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Chapter_3-Personal_Productivity_and_Life_Planning\22. Burnout syndrome.mp4
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Chapter_3-Personal_Productivity_and_Life_Planning\23. Practical Task IV.mp4
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Chapter_3-Personal_Productivity_and_Life_Planning\24. Vuca concept.mp4
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Chapter_3-Personal_Productivity_and_Life_Planning\25. Henry Ford Theory.mp4
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Chapter_3-Personal_Productivity_and_Life_Planning\26. Flexibilty.mp4
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Chapter_3-Personal_Productivity_and_Life_Planning\27. Practical Task V.mp4
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Chapter_3-Personal_Productivity_and_Life_Planning\28. Final Lecture.mp4
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Chapter_3-Personal_Productivity_and_Life_Planning\Files\Modern+Productivity+slides.pdf |
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Chapter_3-Personal_Productivity_and_Life_Planning\Files\ONLINE+TRAINING+WORKBOOK+_Modern+Productivity_+Udemy.pdf |
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Chapter_5-Interactive_Part_and_Next_Steps\39. Interactive Part.mp4
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Chapter_5-Interactive_Part_and_Next_Steps\40. Congratulations.mp4
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Chapter_5-Interactive_Part_and_Next_Steps\41. Bonus Section Next Steps.mp4
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