There is no glory in what used to be the 'scene' - download for fun, don't fuck with it. ―krazy8
  • U: Anonymous
  • D: 2017-06-22 10:46:42
  • C: Unknown


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.6 PROPAGANDA File size CRC
Stored files
16,211 C3BE76E6
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Total size: 13,854,373,231
Archived files
Introduction 0 00000000
Introduction\0 - ReactJS Fundamentals: Introduction.mp4 [e1024967ccd209bf] 114,265,526 961EB9FC
Lesson 1: Creating Your React ToolChain 0 00000000
Lesson 1: Creating Your React ToolChain\3 - 1.3 Compile es6 to es5 with Babel.mp4 [e3c550ea2ccfa9b9] 297,930,188 60DE2FD6
Lesson 1: Creating Your React ToolChain\6 - 1.6 Create a development optimized build process.mp4 [8d917ba121216ed8] 181,351,432 6BF4AA8B
Lesson 1: Creating Your React ToolChain\1 - 1.1 Understand the requirements of your toolchain.mp4 [8c2c1e660436a8cb] 217,175,819 5673CA7D
Lesson 1: Creating Your React ToolChain\0 - 1.0 Learning objectives.mp4 [f2c44bb04828b9e9] 109,037,121 A99657C4
Lesson 1: Creating Your React ToolChain\7 - 1.7 Create a production optimized build process.mp4 [e3894b663e8e47d5] 129,054,004 B364154D
Lesson 1: Creating Your React ToolChain\4 - 1.4 Bundle applications with Webpack.mp4 [a348080f5c56e08e] 156,911,656 8DAA2A47
Lesson 1: Creating Your React ToolChain\5 - 1.5 Understand how Babel and Webpack work together and create a basic build process.mp4 [d5ec82bfa7370ce4] 307,395,963 A22E52FE
Lesson 1: Creating Your React ToolChain\2 - 1.2 Use NPM to manage your applications dependencies and run tasks.mp4 [5e4422f173c24082] 346,006,318 A72515D6
Lesson 2: Understanding Advanced JavaScript Required for ReactJS 0 00000000
Lesson 2: Understanding Advanced JavaScript Required for ReactJS\0 - 2.0 Learning objectives.mp4 [bdd7a2528e69a1ab] 79,499,372 E9B497B2
Lesson 2: Understanding Advanced JavaScript Required for ReactJS\2 - 2.2 Understand execution context and the this keyword!.mp4 [e996dd578ce386d] 340,335,368 63B84BC3
Lesson 2: Understanding Advanced JavaScript Required for ReactJS\3 - 2.3 Control execution context with bind 0 00000000
Lesson 2: Understanding Advanced JavaScript Required for ReactJS\3 - 2.3 Control execution context with bind\call 0 00000000
Lesson 2: Understanding Advanced JavaScript Required for ReactJS\3 - 2.3 Control execution context with bind\call\apply.mp4 [409e6e78aeec6c15] 213,139,519 44D15E38
Lesson 2: Understanding Advanced JavaScript Required for ReactJS\1 - 2.1 Use functional programming in JavaScript.mp4 [af657f28970d9edc] 773,623,105 BDC9A431
Lesson 3: Utilizing ES6 in Your React Applications 0 00000000
Lesson 3: Utilizing ES6 in Your React Applications\9 - 3.9 Understand ES6 promises, Part 2.mp4 [5a598b2d05d5288f] 122,093,672 049118F1
Lesson 3: Utilizing ES6 in Your React Applications\2 - 3.2 Understand ES6 default arguments.mp4 [290029fc8228c6bd] 98,861,678 2E5FD808
Lesson 3: Utilizing ES6 in Your React Applications\1 - 3.1 Understand ES6 template strings.mp4 [98776e76fc410d74] 72,811,503 6BD1A07B
Lesson 3: Utilizing ES6 in Your React Applications\8 - 3.8 Understand ES6 promises, Part 1.mp4 [acbf837f8043560e] 357,713,204 0E30F13F
Lesson 3: Utilizing ES6 in Your React Applications\5 - 3.5 Understand ES6 destructing.mp4 [5c6b3251c24d2ef8] 123,690,696 C3A9FBC7
Lesson 3: Utilizing ES6 in Your React Applications\4 - 3.4 Understand ES6 arrow functions.mp4 [fde214f4756c6804] 231,223,536 C460BBC5
Lesson 3: Utilizing ES6 in Your React Applications\7 - 3.7 Understand ES6 classes.mp4 [7f275f300b65c1c1] 217,099,452 A8EE7323
Lesson 3: Utilizing ES6 in Your React Applications\11 - 3.11 Understand ES6 fetch.mp4 [61cf1c1449f12f9b] 145,287,626 F0F8E676
Lesson 3: Utilizing ES6 in Your React Applications\3 - 3.3 Understand ES6 rest and spread.mp4 [14a52b6820940672] 371,469,159 9C4011BC
Lesson 3: Utilizing ES6 in Your React Applications\6 - 3.6 Understand ES6 modules.mp4 [76020e50d814acbc] 142,228,864 E0728EB9
Lesson 3: Utilizing ES6 in Your React Applications\10 - 3.10 Understand ES6 promises, Part 3.mp4 [e1946999ade34257] 634,165,108 3ABAEEFE
Lesson 3: Utilizing ES6 in Your React Applications\0 - 3.0 Learning objectives.mp4 [fdb94978ca9cb38d] 45,637,064 25066C4A
Lesson 4: Understanding Basic React Concepts 0 00000000
Lesson 4: Understanding Basic React Concepts\1 - 4.1 Utilize component-based design.mp4 [63f2bbe15e23aa34] 743,739,503 1944E095
Lesson 4: Understanding Basic React Concepts\0 - 4.0 Learning objectives.mp4 [321bc6bb6324f99] 69,636,066 E1F90BFF
Lesson 4: Understanding Basic React Concepts\2 - 4.2 Use one-way data flow and rendering.mp4 [78f1d25cde9afe7a] 407,408,200 4242CF6F
Lesson 5: Understanding the Virtual DOM 0 00000000
Lesson 5: Understanding the Virtual DOM\2 - 5.2 Understand the diffing algorithm.mp4 [2034665f1502a57b] 798,051,755 8C8D1D90
Lesson 5: Understanding the Virtual DOM\0 - 5.0 Learning objectives.mp4 [8a40464bf8a509a8] 67,840,195 D9D318FB
Lesson 5: Understanding the Virtual DOM\1 - 5.1 Understand the virtual DOM versus the actual DOM.mp4 [2245bbcf3eb6510b] 268,913,204 AD0DA176
Lesson 6: Coding Your First React App with Traditional React 0 00000000
Lesson 6: Coding Your First React App with Traditional React\1 - 6.1 Use createClass and render.mp4 [73e95a61fe99be9b] 469,560,390 33678A94
Lesson 6: Coding Your First React App with Traditional React\3 - 6.3 Set initial app state.mp4 [d7cab5ac0b6d637] 385,578,089 4111C036
Lesson 6: Coding Your First React App with Traditional React\0 - 6.0 Learning objectives.mp4 [2efec87508faf2ef] 22,562,897 2E43CF6E
Lesson 6: Coding Your First React App with Traditional React\2 - 6.2 Understand JSX.mp4 [57dc4b0c2d63b5ce] 197,520,693 6970C810
Lesson 7: React Fundamentals with New ES6 Syntax 0 00000000
Lesson 7: React Fundamentals with New ES6 Syntax\6 - 7.6 Functional stateless components.mp4 [324f5dc0ec428a06] 268,685,006 F3F85393
Lesson 7: React Fundamentals with New ES6 Syntax\12 - 7.12 Utilize ref to access child components.mp4 [44454cfef5662dcb] 112,113,875 E47644B1
Lesson 7: React Fundamentals with New ES6 Syntax\5 - 7.5 Use inputs with React.mp4 [32fb68df9d60bbba] 552,815,557 83A92223
Lesson 7: React Fundamentals with New ES6 Syntax\1 - 7.1 Create with new ES6 class syntax.mp4 [5620e64031154a57] 90,543,931 9C46E4AF
Lesson 7: React Fundamentals with New ES6 Syntax\9 - 7.9 Utilize content of custom components.mp4 [f8575fae8300749] 152,677,689 18DB7ADF
Lesson 7: React Fundamentals with New ES6 Syntax\2 - 7.2 Understand properties and state.mp4 [df8b0afc20e7a3a6] 528,858,932 DCFEECCB
Lesson 7: React Fundamentals with New ES6 Syntax\0 - 7.0 Learning objectives.mp4 [a5fb078070dc5dab] 21,806,842 8309D154
Lesson 7: React Fundamentals with New ES6 Syntax\10 - 7.10 Understand higher order components.mp4 [5dc9b48c948f225e] 344,060,429 1A776AB4
Lesson 7: React Fundamentals with New ES6 Syntax\7 - 7.7 Utilize data fetching in React applications.mp4 [aa64d3aa0f34878d] 613,277,588 B3533C21
Lesson 7: React Fundamentals with New ES6 Syntax\11 - 7.11 Utilize propTypes.mp4 [e90c6e611bc0a4a4] 275,776,826 CDC3772D
Lesson 7: React Fundamentals with New ES6 Syntax\8 - 7.8 Understand React component lifecycle methods.mp4 [21a7fc12da1239c7] 280,941,626 C07BD67B
Lesson 7: React Fundamentals with New ES6 Syntax\4 - 7.4 State changes through child components.mp4 [3e00d4a7eb1eba14] 406,089,604 C01A992D
Lesson 7: React Fundamentals with New ES6 Syntax\3 - 7.3 Adding new state to an app.mp4 [be80c5e7c319c31e] 478,038,247 98FCE129
Lesson 8: React Performance 0 00000000
Lesson 8: React Performance\0 - 8.0 Learning objectives.mp4 [e635ae2962826d8b] 14,917,549 96803126
Lesson 8: React Performance\2 - 8.2 Implement performance optimizations with shouldComponentUpdate.mp4 [3a5fcdc3980b0582] 253,799,032 788079D7
Lesson 8: React Performance\1 - 8.1 Improve child rendering performance by setting keys.mp4 [54184f9b60b328c0] 177,285,871 C5E2674B
Summary 0 00000000
Summary\0 - ReactJS Fundamentals: Summary.mp4 [85254ec8aacb680e] 23,850,634 8F96E85E

Total size: 13,854,357,183
RAR Recovery
Not Present