Collecting treasures for digital archeologists.
  • U: Anonymous
  • D: 2017-06-19 15:45:19
  • C: Unknown


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.6 PROPAGANDA File size CRC
Stored files
14,393 E25F3A85
1,537 84B98FAB
p-l2pobjcp4b1e.rar 100,000,000 D8DD37A5
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Total size: 5,294,905,763
Archived files
Chapter 1: Getting Started with Objective C 0 00000000
Chapter 1: Getting Started with Objective C\2 - Objective C and printf() Style Formats.mp4 [1a525a4c79c140be] 79,821,556 F43E876F
Chapter 1: Getting Started with Objective C\1 - Hello World with Objective C and NSLog.mp4 [d9925d1df1733013] 110,538,609 43F7CDA4
Chapter 1: Getting Started with Objective C\0 - Welcome and XCode.mp4 [4768143dc005f27] 79,464,485 2BBB3F21
Chapter 2: Variables in Objective C 0 00000000
Chapter 2: Variables in Objective C\2 - Enumerations.mp4 [e16f1781d3c9cd76] 161,551,949 2C0E7B9E
Chapter 2: Variables in Objective C\0 - Primitive C Variables in Objective C.mp4 [13f81d262846ea81] 109,929,965 9924681C
Chapter 2: Variables in Objective C\1 - Typecasting Variables.mp4 [aa6475ade2a696e7] 74,296,133 E5126D75
Chapter 2: Variables in Objective C\4 - Using #define and #const.mp4 [ad62bc96fc10da57] 118,146,272 F906EF90
Chapter 2: Variables in Objective C\3 - Structures (structs).mp4 [b12254814aadec5b] 201,353,466 7D5A5988
Chapter 3: Objective C Functions 0 00000000
Chapter 3: Objective C Functions\1 - Passing Values to a Function.mp4 [fd4180fd682064c2] 202,202,632 7864BE3D
Chapter 3: Objective C Functions\0 - Creating the Function Prototype and Implementation.mp4 [bda1b1ae5c6ffa9f] 158,256,958 08FD259C
Chapter 3: Objective C Functions\2 - Receiving a Return Value from a Function.mp4 [a3c2266511b67641] 166,403,815 B6CFE0F0
Chapter 4: NSArrays in Objective C 0 00000000
Chapter 4: NSArrays in Objective C\0 - Creating Arrays.mp4 [e8ba6c8b2a0b68d] 257,825,195 8824FBD4
Chapter 4: NSArrays in Objective C\2 - NSArray Methods.mp4 [79646c607fe7d373] 376,106,093 9AF8A0BB
Chapter 4: NSArrays in Objective C\1 - NSMutable Array.mp4 [45c4f7504d2282f5] 242,301,373 873D99BF
Chapter 5: Numbers and Number Formats 0 00000000
Chapter 5: Numbers and Number Formats\1 - Formatting Numbers with NSNumberFormatter.mp4 [496def691c5377c] 240,135,896 4FF7A8AA
Chapter 5: Numbers and Number Formats\0 - The NSNumber Object.mp4 [4e0491b72b6cd58a] 237,804,273 2648D573
Chapter 6: Strings in Objective C 0 00000000
Chapter 6: Strings in Objective C\2 - Search and Replace with String Classes.mp4 [ded368716f5274d9] 244,408,103 F13C2757
Chapter 6: Strings in Objective C\0 - The NSString Class and NSMutableString.mp4 [89c4c63bfc8fb3a] 220,355,570 88F04C65
Chapter 6: Strings in Objective C\1 - Simple String Manipulations with String Classes.mp4 [955e75f94c0abd0c] 205,492,785 78E8AAC5
Chapter 7: NSDictionary and NSMutableDictionary 0 00000000
Chapter 7: NSDictionary and NSMutableDictionary\0 - Declaring an NSDictionary Object.mp4 [bb137cc275deed6f] 221,723,085 A8462ECA
Chapter 7: NSDictionary and NSMutableDictionary\2 - Manipulating NSDictionary with Methods.mp4 [9e152e3c0e09d606] 159,640,377 53C261FA
Chapter 7: NSDictionary and NSMutableDictionary\1 - Reading Data from an NSDictionary Object.mp4 [f1f75894d0d02a20] 145,363,350 E01972EE
Chapter 8: Creating Your Own Classes 0 00000000
Chapter 8: Creating Your Own Classes\1 - Declaring Class Properties and Tasks.mp4 [2c1e9f17590bfeaa] 224,920,353 98A5D42A
Chapter 8: Creating Your Own Classes\2 - The @property and @synthesize Statements.mp4 [c7c3b2d747961cee] 209,088,722 A02A3123
Chapter 8: Creating Your Own Classes\0 - Object Versus Classes.mp4 [9b9b4a265b2339c] 128,298,331 7DAE585C
Chapter 8: Creating Your Own Classes\3 - Creating an Instance Object from your Class.mp4 [1bc473ac246ab0e2] 205,774,608 1E2CE51D
Chapter 9: Creating Your Own Classes II 0 00000000
Chapter 9: Creating Your Own Classes II\3 - Class Level Methods.mp4 [6d663fc84df3dcf3] 147,761,002 4CAA3680
Chapter 9: Creating Your Own Classes II\2 - Overriding Tasks.mp4 [c4e5feeaceab53f0] 109,184,970 237E6CB7
Chapter 9: Creating Your Own Classes II\1 - Class Inheritance.mp4 [bfce197ce067df40] 109,170,538 F72B5EDF
Chapter 9: Creating Your Own Classes II\0 - Class init Methods.mp4 [aba2f5075e55c6b9] 147,574,517 AD43941C

Total size: 5,294,894,981
RAR Recovery
Not Present