The purpose of life is not happiness: it's usefulness.
Darius Foroux
  • U: Anonymous
  • D: 2022-04-01 04:13:31
  • C: MP3
This file is unconfirmed


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.7 BEAMS File size CRC
Stored files
2,288 5EA34EF4
76,657 6EEC138E
254 A8C37DB0
344 64908D67
85,152 80011C01
85,149 D271EE9B
85,189 12B7D02F
85,068 AABF1BBD
85,049 09BBCBB6
85,027 D836DDFC
84,905 1167C2C8
85,050 E8B0AF28
85,153 18100546
Music files
01-whimsical-rewind.mp3 9,572,032 093F053F
02-whimsical-gravity.mp3 10,543,789 13541739
03-whimsical-take_all_of_me.mp3 12,241,762 B1A2D963
04-whimsical-melting_hearts.mp3 13,011,852 6FD96287
05-whimsical-crash_and_burn.mp3 7,470,758 8D6E0DB8
06-whimsical-just_a_dream.mp3 13,548,925 B3ABAAD3
07-whimsical-searching.mp3 13,500,854 D0690FA3
08-whimsical-quicksand.mp3 12,661,801 D341795B
09-whimsical-feather.mp3 11,121,618 B8E35599

Total size: 103,673,391
Labels MUSIC, MP3